Curious Curation Conference Recap

Final Conference for the Critical Curation and Collaboration in Learning project (Cur8)
On Thursday, 9 March, 2023 we had the pleasure of hosting the Curious Curation Conference online from our headquarters in Vienna.
The conference aimed to explore the topic of learning content curation for upskilling and reskilling, and the critical digital competences needed by educators and trainers for this activity. We were delighted to welcome more than 50 Learning and Development professionals from all over Europe and we were particularly happy to see many educators from Ukraine join us, too.
The Cur8 project team was on-site to present the context of learning content curation as well as some of the material that has been created as part of the project. We also used innovative tools such as Mentimeter and Slido to allow participants to actively engage in the conference. Moreover, we were proud to announce the public launch of the Cur8 Learning Experience Platform and Toolbox and encourage our readers to take a look and explore the many resources available on the platform.
We would like to thank all the presenters and attendees for making the event a success!
those who missed out on the conference, a documentation of the conference including all slides is available via the conference padlet.
Don't forget to connect with the Cur8 project on LinkedIn to stay up to date.

The Cur8 project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The Curious Curation online conference was organised by the Cur8 Consortium and hosted by die Berater®.