My e-Start Online Course available - find out more...

What is the course about?
The My e-start online course focuses on how to make use of e-Government and e-Commerce services.
It comprises 6 modules:
- Browsing, Searching and Finding Information
- Safety, Security and Digital Identity
- Communications & Assistance
- Online Payments
- e-Government
- e-Commerce
Who is it for?
The course is primarily aimed at those adult groups which face the highest barriers to using e-services. They have been identified as those who: are older in age; have a lower level of education or training; are new to the digital world.
The course has been developed on the basis of a set of the most common civic and commercial activities that can be done online, and a digital competence framework for disadvantaged adults.
It aims to provide the opportunity to experience a (first) sense of digital achievement.
How is this made possible?
The course aims to be an effective aid to the target group in several ways:
- A brief tutorial on online learning and the course itself enables learners to engage in the training.
- The course follows an “easy language approach” using basic vocabulary, short sentences, little amount of text, a user-friendly font size, concise explanations, etc.
- The course makes extensive used of non-verbal elements such as-images, graphics, videos etc.
What is the exact content of the course?
Below you will find more detail – specifically the submodules of the course.
Module 1: Browsing, searching and finding information
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Finding information on the internet – when you know the web address
1.3 Finding information on the internet – moving around within a website
1.4 Finding information on the internet – internal/external links and introducing the secure site concept
1.5 Finding information on the internet – when you don’t know the web address
1.6 Finding information on the internet – searching and filtering information on other websites
1.7 Can a website be trusted?
1.8 Introducing Apps
Module 2: Safety, security and digital identity
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Accounts and passwords
2.3 Digital identity
2.4 Online safety
2.5 Fraudulent frauds
Module 3: Communication & assistance
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Identify support options
3.3 Email as a tool to seek assistance
3.4 Netiquette in online communications
Module 4: Online payment
4.1. Introduction to online payments
4.2. Safety assessment of an online payment environment
4.3. Input personal information
4.4. Traditional methods of payments and authentication methods
Module 5. e-Government
5.1 Introduction
5.2 What is e-Government?
5.3 Types of e-government services and how to find them
5.4 Open-access e-Government services
5.5 Registering for and using a closed-access e-Government service
Module 6. e-Commerce
6.1 Introduction
6.2 What is e-Commerce?
6.3 Structure and functionalities of online shopping
6.4 Things to consider when shopping online
6.5 e-Commerce quiz: test your knowledge
How should the course be completed?
Potential learners (UK)
The My e-Start Online Course is designed to be completed independently. If you are based in the UK and would like to complete the course yourself, please contact Apricot Training Management Ltd to ask for the My e-Start Course Manual.
Educators (UK)
The My e-Start Online Course could be completed as part of a blended, in-class experience – to provide a more supported and reinforcing environment. For UK Educators interested in using such a mode of delivery, we have a set of resources for using the course in this way – do contact Apricot Training Management Ltd and ask for these.