A high-quality learning offer which develops the basic skills necessary to use the most common e-Government and e-Commerce services

With the increasing move to online provision of governmental services and commercial transactions, including internet banking and retail, the question arises as to the extent these activities will remain available to access face-to-face. This raises implications for the digitally excluded – people who lack the skills to be able navigate the online world and take advantage of these e-Services.
The team at Apricot is excited to be working with partners from across the EU on My e-Start. This Erasmus+ project aims to produce a high-quality learning offer which develops the basic skills necessary to use the most common e-Government and e-Commerce services.
The My e-Start project is co-ordinated by the Landkreis Kassel, a regional public authority (Germany), with partners from the UK (Apricot), Germany (BUPNET), Cyprus (CSI), Austria (die Berater) and Bulgaria (CATRO).
Undeterred by the current travel restrictions, instead of meeting face to face, the 6 project partners met online in October for our first Transnational Partnership Meeting. We have continued to do so since – and have already made excellent progress.
Our initial focus was national research, in each country, to establish the main target groups and their needs. We will focus on the most digitally excluded and, in particular, those competences most relevant to people aged over 65 and adults with lower education or training backgrounds.
The Executive Summary of our transnational report will soon be published. We have already begun work on a curriculum framework to develop these competences.